The Exam

Written By: D’be-D’be

The men had just returned from a fire and were settling in for an attempt on eating lunch before they were called out again when the phone rang. Lopez who was the closest jumped up grabbed the receiver. “Hello. Yes he’s here, just a minute please.” Lopez passed the phone over to Stanley. “It’s for you, Cap.”

“Thanks, Marco.” Stanley stood up but not before washing the mouthful of stew he had just consumed with a gulp of milk. “Captain Stanley here.”

“Who is it, Marco?” Gage asked.

“It’s Captain Forester from Station 10.”

“Mmmmm, I wonder what’s up?” Kelly inquired as he dished out some of Marco’s famous Mexican Stew.

“If the Cap wants us to know, he’ll fill us in,” Desoto stated as he helped himself to a roll and butter.

“I know that, Roy,” Kelly continued. “But I like to keep my finger on the pulse of things, sort to speak.”

“Admit it, Chet,” Stoker said. “You’re just plain nosey.”

“I’m not nosey, Mike. Call me curious, that’s all.”

“No, Chet, Mike’s right; you’re nosey.” Gage put in his two cents worth.

“Would you twits keep your voices down so I can hear what the man has to say,” Captain Stanley snapped.

“Oh-oh, he’s in a bad mood; something is definitely wrong,” Kelly stated in a low whisper.

“Damn, damn, damn!” Stanley exclaimed as he slammed down the phone. “That damn McConikee is at it again.”

“What is the Battalion Chief up to now, Cap?” Desoto asked for everyone.

“What’s he up to? What’s he up to?” Stanley replied in an agitated manner. “I’ll tell you what he’s up to. He’s making all the Captains take a refresher exam on procedures and operations. If we don’t pass, we have to give up our stripes for two weeks and just become a member of the crew; a rookie for Pete’s sake. Can you believe it, the nerve of that man?”

“Come on, Cap, it will be all right. You know the manual inside and out so you’ll have no trouble at all passing that stupid test.” Stoker tried to sound reassuring.

“Oh but you don’t know the Chief like I do. He’s setting this up just for me. He can’t come after me directly. Oh no, that would be too obvious, so he’s doing this to try and bring me down a few notches. He’s sneaky that way,” Stanley was now becoming increasingly agitated, wringing his hands and pacing back and forth.

All the boys knew that Stanley was paranoid when it came to the McConikee, who was once Stanley’s Captain when Stanley was an Engineer. Ever since McConikee got his promotion, Stanley was convinced he was out to get him in one form or other. He never did explain to his fellow firefighters what he had ever done to McConikee that would warrant a payback, but Chet heard a rumour about Stanley setting his old Captain’s hat on fire at one point. However, that rumour could never be verified.

“When is this exam supposed to take place, Cap?” Gage asked.

“Forester said we would all be getting notification in a communiqué by the end of the week. Oh God, I hate exams. No matter how hard I study, my brain freezes up and I forget everything. Sometimes I even forget my own name, for crying out loud.”

“Look, Cap,” Stoker stated. “We’ll all pitch in and help you get ready for the test, so relax and try and put it out of your mind.”

“I appreciate that, pal. Thanks.” Stanley patted them all on the back and began mumbling to himself as he made his way to his office.

“Oh great,” Kelly snorted. “Until he writes that exam, he’s going to be impossible to be around. You know how he gets; nothing will please him around here.”

“Yeah, Chet, I agree,” Lopez said. “The only time he’s relaxed when he’s under stress like this is at a scene. He forgets his problems and just concentrates on his duties. If he could only see for himself what a great Captain he is, and that he doesn’t have to worry about pleasing McConikee.”

“It’s not like we didn’t tell him enough. But you know the Cap when it comes to the Chief, he has blind spot,” Gage said.

“Well one way we can make things easy for him is to just do our jobs properly and behave ourselves,” Desoto addressed the whole crew but Gage knew the statement was meant for him.


The men were putting the last of the dishes in the sink and cleaning off the table when Stanley walked back into the kitchen holding a pile of books. He plumped them down in the middle of the table before Kelly had a chance to wipe up a pool of milk that Lopez had managed to create. One of the manuals landed directly into the milk, managing to sullen the first few pages.

“Damn it, Kelly, look what just happened here. Can’t you do a simple task like wiping off a table?” Stanley snapped.

“I’m sorry, Cap, I’m working as fast as I can. How was I to know were going to throw your books down in the middle of the table?”

“Are you saying this is my fault, Kelly?” Stanley asked, standing up to face the young fireman.

Not thinking before answering, which is usually par for the course as far as Kelly was concerned, he snapped back. “Well, I’m not the one who threw the books on the table before looking if it was clean or not, now am I?”

“Well, I see I have a fireman with an attitude!” Stanley commented testily. “I know the sure-fire cure for changing that attitude is the task of cleaning the gout out of the shower stalls. Kelly, I want you to get a toothbrush and follow me.”

“But, Cap…..” Kelly whined.

“No ‘but Cap’ me, Kelly! Now if you don’t move your butt this instant, you’ll find yourself doing more that cleaning the shower stalls, is that clear?”

With eyes downcast, Kelly followed Stanley to the showers, pausing only long enough to grab a clean toothbrush out of the supply cabinet. When he reached his destination, Stanley was waiting for him. “Okay, Kelly, this is where you’re stationed until we get a fire call. When we get back to the station after the call, you will continue with your work, is that clear?”

“Yes Sir!” was all Kelly could manage to get out. Kelly, despite his macho ‘nothing bothers me’ attitude, was a very sensitive individual. One who was always looking for approval from his fellow workers, especially the Captain and when he was scolded or made to do menial tasks, it hurt his feelings deeply. He knew he only had himself to blame for being in this position but it hurt nevertheless.

Stanley left Kelly alone with his toothbrush and returned to the kitchen. Gage had taken the soiled manual outside and laid it out in the sun to dry it off.

“Where is the manual of rules of order?” Stanley asked to no one in particular.

“Johnny took it outside to try and dry it off.” Stoker answered.

Stoker looked over to Roy as Stanley pushed the Engineer out of the way so he could get out the back door.

“Roy, I think we may have trouble here,” Stoker commented as he peeked through the door window.

Desoto just shook is head in dread as he joined Mike by the door.

Gage was dabbing the corners of the book with a clean rag when he was joined by his Captain and Top.

“How’s it going there, Johnny?” Stanley asked softly.

“I think it’s drying up real good, Cap. It was just the corners that got the worse of it, so there really wasn’t too much damage done.”

“That’s good to hear. Now give it here, this is the first book I have to study.”

Gage handed it over and made sure his hand brushed Stanley’s as he placed the book in the Captain’s hand. Stanley gave his young Brat a knowing smile. They glazed into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before Stanley turned to leave. How they wished they could embrace and kiss but of course that was out of the question. Their emotional display would have to wait.

Stanley’s studying and Kelly’s cleaning was interrupted several times during the course of the day. With every passing hour that Stanley had to study, he was getting more frustrated and worried. “I’m never going to remember half of this stuff,” he complained to himself as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I may as well not bother writing the damn thing at all.”

“Come on, Cap, relax,” Desoto said as he handed Stanley a fresh cup of coffee. “Why don’t you take a break from the books and go check up on Kelly.”

“Oh for Pete’s sake, I forgot all about poor Kelly.” Looking up at Roy, Stanley asked his fellow Top, “I guess I over reacted a little, eh Roy?”

“Maybe just a little but no harm was done and look at the bright side, it kept Kelly busy and out of trouble for a little while at least.”

Stanley let out a laugh as he answered, “I better go check on him.” He was about to enter the dorm and showers when Lopez called out, “Hey, Cap, there’s a registered letter here for you!”

“Sign for it for me, will you please, and put it in my office. I have to talk to Chet.”

“Okay, Cap,” Lopez called back as he watched Stanley go through the swinging doors.

“Hey, Chet, how’s it going, pal?” Stanley stated as he approached the young fireman.

“I’m almost done, Cap. See how great it looks!”

Stanley looked down at the young man who was kneeling on the tiled floor scrubbing the last of the dirt out of one of the corners. His hair was sweat soaked and his pants were wet and covered with guck. “My God, Chet, you did a fantastic job! Way to go, pal!”

Kelly’s chest puffed out at hearing the praise in Stanley’s voice. “Thanks, Cap, I really appreciate that.”

“Look, Chet, I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier. Maybe I was a little rough on you, giving you this duty but…..”

Kelly cut his Captain off. “Hey, Cap, forget about it. I had it coming for answering you back like I did and showing you disrespect. It’s me who should apologize to you.”

Reaching out to tap Kelly on the back, Stanley replied. “Fine, let’s call us even. Why don’t you clean up and join me and the others for a snack?”

“I’ll be right there, Cap. I just have a little left to do here.”

“Okay, but don’t take to long.”

“I won’t, Sir,” Kelly replied as he watched Stanley depart. ‘He is such a great Captain,’ Kelly thought. Kelly had worked under a number of Captain’s but Stanley was the first to ever apologize to his men if he felt it was warranted. The other Captains felt it was beneath them. ‘If only Stanley could see for himself what a great Captain he really was and if only the Battalion Chief would realize that as well.’ Kelly sadly shook his head.

Before joining his men for a snack, Stanley went into his office and opened up the registered letter. He noticed the envelope carried the Battalion Chief’s crest. ‘It must be the communiqué on the exam,” he thought as he reached for a letter opener. Sure enough; inside the envelope Stanley found the time and place for the exam as well as what the exam would cover. He put the letter in his shirt pocket and joined his men in the kitchen. They all looked up anxiously awaiting the news.

“Well,” Stanley reported as he reached out for a chocolate chip cookie. “The exam is going to be a week from this Thursday and going to consist of two essay questions. They could be made up of any of one the following four: How would you handle a chemical fire of unknown origins?; What are the procedures to follow when you discover one of your men put his life and the lives of others in danger by acting in an irrational manner?; How would you handle a four alarm fire if you were the first Captain of the scene?; and What are the rules of discipline for insubordination?”

“Hey, Cap,” Gage smiled as he poured himself a glass of milk. “You can ace any one of those questions. You have nothing to worry about.”

“You may be right, Johnny, but I have to bone up on all the various chemicals and their reaction to water and other fire retardant materials. I also have to research the rules of discipline. Those are the two questions I may have some difficulty with and with my luck, those are the ones McConikee will give me.”

“We’ll help you with your research if you’d like, Cap,” Stoker offered and the others echoed his sentiments.

“Thanks, guys, I appreciate it. But what I will need is peace a quiet. I think I’ll call my wife and let her know I’m going to move into a hotel until the exam is over so I won’t be bothered with any distractions. She knows how important passing this exam is to me, so I’m sure she’ll agree with my decision.”

When Stanley left to make his phone call, Gage sauntered up to Desoto. “Hey, Roy, do you think the Cap included me in the distraction category?”

“I highly doubt that. Why don’t you offer to help him out after the shifts are over and see how he reacts?”

“You read my mind, Roy. I was just about to do that.” Gage smirked as he poured himself a cup of coffee. He was about to pour Roy a cup when Stanley re-entered the kitchen.

“What did Mrs. Stanley say, Cap?” Gage asked.

“She thought that would be the best solution. She told me she knew what I was like to be around when I’m trying to study so she grabbed at the opportunity to avoid that situation,” Stanley replied to Gage’s question.

“Uh, Cap?” Gage turned towards Stanley. “Would you like some help with your studying? I mean, I could come over to your hotel and quiz you and stuff, if you’d think that would help you?”

“Hey, kiddo, thanks for the offer. I think that would be a great idea. If you could quiz me on the various chemicals and other procedures, I think that would help me memorize them much better that just writing notes and trying to remember them that way.”

Gage’s smile went from ear to ear. He couldn’t wait for the studying to begin. Stanley gave his young Brat a wink as he opened up one of the manuals. Stoker let out a chuckle as he left the kitchen to shine up the Engine.

‘What a pair,’ Stoker thought as he glanced over at his own lover. He couldn’t help but blush as Desoto followed Stanley’s action and gave his own Brat a little wink as well.


Gage was late meeting Stanley at the hotel. He and Desoto had a run just before their shift ended and by the time they got back, B-Shift was already there and waiting for the squad.

Gage went into the locker room and began to change. Roy followed soon after he finished the briefing Captain Hookrader.

“Hey, Johnny, what’s the rush? You got a hot date or something?” Simmons from B-Shift asked his fellow paramedic.

“Something like that but to tell you the truth, I’m late to help Captain Stanley study for that exam McConnikee set up.”

“Oh you’re helping Stanley, are you?” Simmons quizzed. “That job fell to Barry on our shift. I hope Stanley’s not too worked up over it.”

“He’s pretty wound up,” Gage replied. “This is the third night I’ve been helping him and he’s getting more stressed with every passing hour.”

“Is the strain starting to show at work?” Simmons inquired

“Not like we thought it would. He looks like he’s not getting enough sleep but aside from that, he’s been acting pretty much like himself. We thought he’d get grumpy and snappy but after the first day, he calmed down at work at least,” Gage reported.

“That’s great,” Simmons stated. “The exam doesn’t seem to faze Hookrader at all but I don’t think anything would faze that man.”

Roy and Johnny both nodded their head in agreement. Both men knew first hand what it was like to work with the legendary ‘Captain Hook’ as everyone called him.

“Well I better go,” Gage said as he closed his locker door. “Captain Stanley is probably anxious to get started.”

“Hey, Johnny,” Simmons called out as Gage was getting into his jeep. “Why don’t you give Stanley one of those massages your famous for?”

Desoto, who was also climbing into his vehicle, turned to look at Gage with a twinkle in his eyes as he said, “Hey, Johnny, Simmons may have a point there. Didn’t you always say that after one of your famous massages your date was like putty in your hands, she was so relaxed.”

“Oh come on, fellows, I’m not about to give the Cap one of those. For Pete’s sake, are you both nuts?” Gage did his best to sound offended at the suggestion of an intimate moment with Stanley.

Simmons let out a loud laugh as he went back into the station. Roy just gave Johnny a wink as he got in the car and drove away. As Gage pulled out into the street, he came to the conclusion that a massage wasn’t such a bad idea. Stanley was having a very hard time sleeping. He’d toss and turn and mumble in his sleep. Maybe a slow, relaxing rub down would do the trick. “And who knows, it may lead to something wonderful,” Gage said to himself as he pulled into a drugstore to purchase the scented oils he would need. ‘After all,’ Gage thought. ‘It is Thursday and tomorrow is the exam so Hank could really use a night of total relaxation and comfort and I’m the man to make sure he get’s both.’

Gage found Stanley sitting at the tiny desk by the hotel bed as he entered the room carrying a pepperoni pizza and a bag of assorted oils from the drug store. “Sorry I’m late, Hank, but the rescue took longer than anticipated.”

“That’s fine, Johnny, it gave me time to write down some final thoughts on procedures. What’s in the bag, beer?”

“No, just some hot oils. I thought you could use a little rub down to help you relax.”

“I don’t know, Johnny. It would take one hell of a massage to accomplish that tonight. I see you brought pizza and it’s not that I’m not grateful, kiddo, but I don’t think my stomach could handle a thing right now.”

“That’s okay, Hank, we don’t have to eat right away. Why don’t you strip down to your underwear and let my magic fingers do their stuff.”

“I don’t have time, Gage. I have a lot more material to go over,” Stanley snapped out.

“Hank, you know this material inside and out. Now come on, do as I ask and I promise it will make you feel better.”

Stanley reluctantly looked up at his Brat who was standing expectantly by the bed. With a low sigh, he slowly got up, removed his shirt and pants, and lied down in the middle of the hotel bed.

Gage positioned himself over Stanley on the bed with one leg on each side of Stanley’s body. He took the bottle of scented oil and squeezed a small amount in the palm of his hands and rubbed them together, then placed his hands on Stanley’s shoulders and began to loosen the knotted muscles he found.

“Mmm…that feels wonderful,” Stanley stated drowsily. Gage’s ministrations were doing the trick.

“I told you it would,” Gage said as he worked down Stanley’s body. First the right side then the left, finishing with the balls of his feet. “That’s the back, Hank. Why don’t you roll over and I’ll do the same on the front.”

Stanley obediently rolled over, thinking nothing of it. It never occurred to him that his Brat had other things on his mind besides a massage. All week he’d been behaving himself in every way, especially not taking advantage of them being alone in a hotel room. Gage knew Stanley was too wound up to even considering sex and he was very proud of his Brat for not pushing the issue even though he knew how much the kid wanted it.

Gage paused to put a little more oil on his hands before continuing his work. This time, he slowly moved his hands closer and closer to Stanley’s member, which was still encased in his underwear. Gathering up his courage and taking a deep breath, Gage slid his hand under Stanley’s underwear and firmly grasped his penis. Stanley’s eyes popped open as Gage leaned down and locked his lips on Stanley’s, all the while continuing to stroke Stanley’s manhood. Gage put all his passion and desires into that one kiss, hoping for a response from his Top. At first he was afraid he had gone to far as Stanley didn’t return the kiss, but in a matter of moments, Gage felt the pressure from Stanley’s soft lips increase and he allowed Gage’s tongue to slip inside his mouth to claim his own.

Stanley finally pushed Gage away and looked up into his brown eyes. “Wow, you’re getting bold all of a sudden, making the first move and all.”

“Do you like it, Hank?” Gage asked nervously

“Well I know you made the first move back in the gravel pit but ever since we seriously got together, it’s been me that is the dominant one and as I told you, I like it that way.”

“So you want me to stop?”

“Now I didn’t say that, kiddo. I just meant I’m not used to it, that’s all.”

“Well life is full of new experiences, isn’t it?” Gage smirked as he rubbed his hard member across Stanley’s. Stanley moaned and tried to flip Gage over but was met with resistance. “Oh no, Hank. I’m the one in control right now, remember?”

“So take control for Pete’s sake,” Stanley moaned as he became totally erect at the feel of Gage rubbing up against him.

“All you had to do was ask,” Gage chucked as he bent down and planted another kiss, letting his hands roam around Stanley’s chest and back. Stanley moaned into the kiss as Gage’s hands dropped lower, gently caressing the curves of Stanley’s ass through the cotton briefs.

Gage pulled Stanley up into a sitting position to remove his under shirt. Laying him back down, his hands began to wander once more. He tweaked and plucked at Stanley’s nipples until they stood up like two hard marbles. Gage moved his mouth down and slowly sucked on them, first the right and then the left. Stanley began thrashing around in total ecstasy. Gage moved down between Stanley’s legs and pulled the underwear down before taking Stanley into his mouth. Gage applied careful suction as he worked up and down Stanley’s erect penis.

“Oh God, kiddo,” Stanley groaned. “You’re so good at this.”

Gage continued his sucking until Stanley couldn’t hold back any longer and he filled Gage’s mouth with his release.

“That was wonderful, Johnny, simple wonderful. But what about you?”

“Hank,” Gage hesitated for a moment. “How would you feel about me topping you for a change? It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I know you’re not used to being topped but…..” Gage stopped speaking, fearing the worse.

Stanley pulled Gage down into his arms and began to rub his back. He took a deep breath and thought about what Gage was suggesting for a moment before he answered. “I never knew you had that desire, kiddo, and since you decided you were in control tonight, I think I’d be a poor lover to deny you that desire.”

“Do you mean it, you won’t mind if I make love to you?’

Stanley let out a small chuckle as he replied. “It’s not like I’m a virgin or anything, Johnny. Stoker saw to that, and I think giving control over to you completely is what I need tonight. So come on, get out of those clothes and make love to me, I can’t wait.”

Gage didn’t need any further encouragement. He jumped off the bed only long enough to pull his clothes off, then fully naked he grabbed the oil bottle that had fallen on the floor and joined Stanley once more on the bed. He asked Stanley to roll over and get into the kneeling position. Once Stanley was on all fours in the middle of the bed, Gage placed one oiled finger up Stanley’s rectum, stretching him and preparing him for entry. Gage was enjoying the pleasuring sounds coming from Stanley as he placed two more fingers inside and pushed deeper and deeper until he reached Stanley’s prostate. He smiled to himself and began to do the same thing to Stanley that his Top had done to him in the past. He began to rub the prostate back and forth until Stanley was pumping his hips back and forth in total pleasure.

“For shit’s sake, Johnny, what are you waiting for? Enter me now, please,” Stanley begged.

Gage poured some more oil on his erect penis and slowly entered Stanley one inch at a time. Soon the two men were setting a rhythmic pattern. Stanley’s hips met every push that Gage gave. Before long both men were crying out with deep-seated passion as their orgasms racked their bodies.

Stanley collapsed on the bed, causing Gage to fall on top of him. Gage rolled his lover onto his side and as slowly as he had entered him, he exited him then cuddled up into his arms.

“Oh Johnny, that was wonderful. Thank you so very much. I’ve never felt so relaxed. I think I’ll have no trouble falling asleep tonight.” Stanley held his Brat close and placed soft tender kisses on his forehead and eyes.

“You don’t know how happy I am to hear that. I wasn’t sure how you would react to my assuming a dominant position.”

“Well it’s something we’re not going to make a habit of but to tell you the truth, it was what I really needed tonight. I love you even more than I ever did for realizing that.”

“I love you too, Hank, more than words can ever express.”

“I know, kiddo,” Stanley stated with a yawn and before Gage knew it, his Captain was fast asleep. He knew he was taking a chance at staying all night but he didn’t want to leave Stanley alone tonight of all nights so he decided to stay. Not taking any chances however, he slowly got out of bed and redressed. Pulling the chair out of the corner, he tried to make himself as comfortable as he could but with little success however.


The next morning when Gage awoke, every muscle in his body was screaming in protest. He let out a loud moan as he tried to stand up and stretch.

“That looks painful.” Gage turned abruptly as he heard Stanley’s voice coming from the bathroom door.

“You can say that again,” Gage stated back as he watched Stanley dress.

“Why didn’t you stay in bed next to me, kiddo?” Stanley asked, slipping on his dress uniform pants.

“I was afraid of oversleeping and getting caught by the maid or something.”

“Good point, kiddo. Now why don’t you slip into the shower while I finish dressing?”

Gage walked painfully into the bathroom and let the hot water cascade over his body, removing as many of the kinks as he could. When he came out of the bath, Stanley was putting on his dress uniform coat and looking into the mirror to make sure he placed his hat on straight.

“Oh God, Hank, you look so hot in that uniform. I can’t tell you how much I want you right now.”

“Down, boy, down. Don’t start something I don’t have time to finish.”

“Hey, Hank,” Gage moved in close for a kiss. “I want to tell you how proud I am of you that you didn’t loose control over this exam.”

“I did loose control, but Roy managed to calm me down.”

“You mean…..are you telling me that Roy… partner….disciplined you?” Gage couldn’t believe that Stanley was suggesting just that.

“That’s exactly what I’m telling you. We were very discreet about it and it did the trick. Roy knew what was needed and he did what he had to do. I cried it all out, then moved on. Although I was still anxious about the exam, it didn’t affect my work or my relationship with you. As a matter of fact, it helped me on the both fronts.”

“You Tops never cease to amaze me,” Gage said as he got dressed and grabbed a cold piece of pizza out of the cardboard box.

“I hope you don’t consider that breakfast, kiddo, because you know how I feel about a descent meal, especially to start the day.”

“Uh….no, sir…I just didn’t want to waste it,” Gage replied as he tossed the half-eaten piece back into the box and closed the lid.

“Look, Hank, you better be on your way. I’ll clean up here and see you at the station when the exam is done, okay?”

“Okay; come over here and give me a good luck kiss.”

Their lips met for a brief moment, then Stanley pulled away, grabbed his books and left for the exam, confident that no matter what McConnikee threw at him, he was prepared for any scenario thanks to his fellow Top and his loving Brat.

The End.

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